viSYS-2D -
Scan System 2D
The 2D-scanning system viSYS-2D is a scalable, standardized camera framework for large scale applications which works basically like a line camera. Therefore it requires either moving inspection targets or to move the scanner above the targets. viSYS-2D can be equipped with monochrome or color cameras.
The system is built-on several standard GigEVision cameras which are synchronized triggered using our proprietary developed, trigger electronics GearBoxDM. The fully programmable GearBoxDM synchronizes the image triggering of the scanner to the movement of the scanned targets (or the scanner itself).
Our calibration and stitching algorithms ensure that the resulting image line, delivered by the camera bulk, is a geometrical distortion free, homogeneous and brightness normalized image line.
viSYS-2D is offered with white or infrared types of LED illumination bars. They are mounted either directly on the scanning system housing or remotely positioned depending on the application requirements.
viSYS-3D -
Scan System 3D
viSYS-3D is a 3D-scanning system based on the laser-triangulation principle. Similar to viSYS-2D, it is built-on a scalable GigEVision camera framework designed for large scale applications. Our own camera firmware allows us to implement time-consuming parts of the 3D algorithms directly in the internal real-time data path of the used camera. viSYS-3D image line data consists of height- and intensity image data which allows apart from the 3D processing also a conventional 2D monochrome processing of the taken image.
For the laser line projection, we use our in-house developed line-laser units to ensure best component matching between camera and laser.
Our calibration and stitching algorithms ensure that the resulting image line is a geometrical distortion free, homogeneous and brightness normalized image line. And with our fully programmable GearBoxDM the image triggering of the scanner is synchronized to the movement of the scanned targets (or the scanner itself).
viSYS-XD -
Scan System 2D/3D
viSYS-XD is a combination of our well-proven viSYS-2D and viSYS-3D scanning systems combined in one product. Especially for customers with a high variance of articles processed on the same machine, this offers the most cost-efficient way to inspect all their products without any compromises owing to the system limitations of either pure 2D- or 3D inspection. Have a look on our viSYS-2D and viSYS-3D products for more information.